
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Big Picture

This weekend God made known to me a little glimpse of how he sees the big picture. I have now inherited every member of my family's personal Bible. It's neat to get a glimpse into such a personal aspect of my family members lives. The scripture they have underlined that meant a lot them and the little notes of encouragement someone wrote to them tucked quietly inside marking a special page. I was looking through one of my Grandma's Bibles this weekend. She had several during her lifetime, but the one a was drawn to was obviously worn and used, it's black cover seems to turn to dust as you handle it. This Bible was given to my Grandma in 1939 by her mother. I remember my Grandma telling me of how she went through this bible and underlined Christs words with a red pencil. I found many treasures in this Bible this weekend, however one of them touched me deeply and seemed as if the Lord were speaking to me. I found several articles of encouragement my Grandma had clipped out of devotionals or church bulletins, a card my Grandma received from her mother for Valentines Day, and a poem my Grandma had copied on a piece of paper and tucked inside. I'm sure my Grandma thought this poem would bring her encouragement during the days after losing her husband, or later after losing her son, but God who sees the Big Picture knew it would also bring comfort to me, her granddaughter many years later. I am as I have said lately "The Last of the Mahicans". I have no surviving family - my grandparent's, parents, and close family have predeceased me. I have felt alone, these past weeks. My Grandma and I were really close. Before Alzheimer's began to take her away from me she was my closest friend and confidant. She was a the biggest Christian influence in my life, and tucked into one of her old Bibles I found what I consider a love note from her to me, something to bring me comfort during this difficult time from the dearest woman in my heart:

"It Matters To Him"

My child I know thy sorrows,
Thine every grief I share;
I know how thou art tested,
And what is more - I care.

Think not I am indifferent
To what affecteth thee
Thy weal and woe are matters
Of deep concern to Me.

But child, I know a purpose
In all that I allow;
I ask thee then to trust me,
Though all seems dark just now.

How often thou hast asked me
To purge away thy dross!
But this refining process
Involves for thee - a cross.

I was reminded of Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. God sees the big picture. He knows what is down the path for all of us. I was touched and moved, that some forty years ago, before I was even born, my God thought of me and what was in store , and chose to leave, for me to find, encouragement and answers in my dear Grandma's hand. I praise my Lord for seeing the big picture, and I thank him for my family, my Grandma, and that I am not alone.

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