
Monday, January 19, 2009

Fine in '09

That's our motto for this year, Things are gonna be fine in '09, 'cuz things weren't great in '08. 'o8 started with a crash. My husband was in the midst of his second nervous breakdown and spent a week in the hospital. We shuffled around the jobs at home & our business. I got some new responsibilities on my plate. A plate that was already full with homeschooling our three kiddos and managing a household as best I could. In May my dad passed away. That really just ruined the rest of the year. There's been packing, cleaning, house staging, estate saleing, mourning, grieving, probate court dates, grieving, paperwork signing, crying , grumpiness, and depression. Yep, '08 wasn't great! My personal motto for myself this year is, "To Thine Own Self be True." Somewhere over the last four years of homeschooling I have become lost. I spend my whole day, every day taking care of everyone else's needs. I know we are to be a servant to others and do our jobs cheerfully as for the Lord. But somewhere in the midst of all this I have lost myself. I start out my day with kiddos pulling on me, and end my day pretty much the same way. It's become a good week if I get to wash my hair let alone finish my bible study. So this year it is operation Take Back Me. I've started slowly. Three weeks ago I started Weight Watchers. During the last four years I have gained a lot of weight. Just not taking care of myself. It's the first step, and an important one. I'll keep you posted on how well I do.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Friend Jack

So The Engineer and I had a crazy idea. Housing prices are CRAZY, I tell ya CRAZY. Their even crazier if your guy the selling your house. We found a great big house in another part of town. Lots of rooms, a pool, and even a patch of grass in the backyard. This house will get us beyond college with our three homeschooling monkeys. We made an offer and then had to put our house on the market.
That was a week and half ago. It has been crazy. Every day last week I had someone wanting to show the house. Which is great for selling your home, but not so great for homeschooling and staying sane-at least trying to. We've had several showings this week also. I am determined to sell this house. I am doing my best - Can we do it? Yes, we can!! (Too much toddler television in my early mommy years.) Whenever we have a showing I do the following: 1. Spray air neutralizer throughout the home. 2. Make sure the Costco Flameless Candles are turned on throughout the home, atmosphere - it's all about atmosphere. 3. Turn on important lights, we wouldn't want our potential homeowners looking into a dark bathroom, or down a dark hallway. 4. Everything has to be spotless-spotless I tell you! 5. Soft music playing as you enter the home, Cannon in D, very relaxing. 6. Two hours before showing I burn a very strong Banana Nut Bread, or Oatmeal Cookie Candle in the kitchen. Just prior to leaving I extinguish the candle, leaving the candles soft wax still, well, smelly-in the yummy kinda way. 7. The most important. As I back up to a busy street - which really isn't a bother as our home is below street level, but still a deterrent. I make sure our lovely pool is on with the waterfall running.

When the waterfall is running any traffic noise is hardly noticeable. I then open one of the kitchen windows a crack, just a crack-enough to let in the tranquil noise of the waterfall, but not enough to let in the low rumble of a diesel truck that might be driving by behind the house. I do the same thing with the back sliding glass door, inviting the victim, uh I mean potential homeowner, outside to the entertainers backyard. The whole worlds a stage, and I'm setting it. I had a showing on Wednesday and I was going through all my preparation steps and then I got to step 7, cracking open the back slider. What did hear, nothing other than my friend Jack-Jack Hammer that is. It appears the city is running some water pipes across the street. It was loud, no waterfall, unless it was oh say, Niagara Falls was going to drown out that one. I had to laugh. Here I have been running around as though I am the guy in charge, if this house sells it's going to be because of me, and all my hard work! The sound of that jack hammer was the laugh of The Lord. Silly child, you think you are in control. I was reminded of the following in the book of Daniel, Chapter 4:
  • 34.
  • At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
  • 35.
  • All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: "What have you done?"
I was remind that God puts the rulers of his choice on their thrones, and places the peoples of the earth where He wants them to do his work. You see I am not in control of this house selling show. He is. He will bring His buyer, if He wants to, if it is in His will. It's not my flamless candles, soft music, or even my Oatmeal Cookie Candle that will sell my home. It's The Lord who sell my home. If it's according to His will, He will provide a buyer for our home, and He will provide a new home for us. I hope it's His Will, if not I hope a Spa Day for Mommy when our contract expires is in His will!