
Monday, January 19, 2009

Fine in '09

That's our motto for this year, Things are gonna be fine in '09, 'cuz things weren't great in '08. 'o8 started with a crash. My husband was in the midst of his second nervous breakdown and spent a week in the hospital. We shuffled around the jobs at home & our business. I got some new responsibilities on my plate. A plate that was already full with homeschooling our three kiddos and managing a household as best I could. In May my dad passed away. That really just ruined the rest of the year. There's been packing, cleaning, house staging, estate saleing, mourning, grieving, probate court dates, grieving, paperwork signing, crying , grumpiness, and depression. Yep, '08 wasn't great! My personal motto for myself this year is, "To Thine Own Self be True." Somewhere over the last four years of homeschooling I have become lost. I spend my whole day, every day taking care of everyone else's needs. I know we are to be a servant to others and do our jobs cheerfully as for the Lord. But somewhere in the midst of all this I have lost myself. I start out my day with kiddos pulling on me, and end my day pretty much the same way. It's become a good week if I get to wash my hair let alone finish my bible study. So this year it is operation Take Back Me. I've started slowly. Three weeks ago I started Weight Watchers. During the last four years I have gained a lot of weight. Just not taking care of myself. It's the first step, and an important one. I'll keep you posted on how well I do.

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