
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just another day...

Today was a good day. An uneventful, uninterrupted day. That's what made it a so good. The kiddos are just fully engaged into Legos and Kynex. They spent their morning building while I read to them. Afterwards we did a science experiment outside. We are studying Astronomy this year. We are currently learning about the Sun. Our experiment was to take pieces of chocolate bar and shine light through a magnifying glass at them. We were to concentrate the light into a small circle on one piece and then a bigger circle on another, and still a bigger circle on the last piece. The kids though it was neat to be melting the chocolate and they especially thought it was neat when I was able to get my chocolate bar to catch fire. The best part for the kiddos was eating the experiment! Boy #2's chocolate never made it to the experiment stage, and he never quite understood why we were letting our chocolate just sit on our plates while we looked at them.

The Girl is really enjoying our studies of Ancient Greece. She has been busy building her own version of the city of Athens.

Tonight Awana started up at church again. The kids are totally excited and had so much fun. The Girl gets to go to camp this year. They won't let me chaperon, I asked. What to do? I have until April to prepare. This is hard one-for mom that is.

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