
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good Bye Red, It's Over

I am sorry to do this to you, red. But it's time we have a little talk. You are so bright and warm, and you just have such a way of Oh, how shall I say it...energizing things and those around you. It's been a great four years, really it has. Your color adorns every room in my home. In the living room you are the main color in my sofa and love seat, there's even a throw blanket gracefully adorning one of the arms of my sofa in a lovely shade of you. There are red hand towels in my powder room. You are the main color in my master bedroom bedding. I even have drapes in a dark shade of you in my bedroom and master bath. Lovely shades of you can be found throughout my kitchen. The window valances, plates, roosters, placemats, you name it and your there. It's been good, you and I. I am sorry red, but it's over between us. It's been quite a year, lots of turmoil and strife. I need tranquility, calmness, peace. I want to relax, I don't need to be energized any longer. When I look at you in all your redness, I only seem to feel anger now a days. I think I have found a new color. Actually, its my old color, we have history together. I know, they say that once you go red you don't go back. But it's not true. I'm going back. I've been seeing blue again. Blue just makes me feel so peaceful and relaxed. It feels so good, me and blue again. Don't tell blue, but I may just leave a few traces of you around though. You know just here and there, for memories sake. No hurt feelings, OK, we can still be friends you know.

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