
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Library

Hi! It's me. The lady with the screaming, howling child in a stroller that you can't stand at the Temecula Public Library. I don't know why, but Boy 2 seems to hate the library. Which is too bad because The Girl could spend hours there. But Boy 2 can't tolerate it. He is not quiet there. Every time. Last time I let him out of his stroller. He was happy...until something I am not quite sure what happened. He fell, and got a fat bleeding lip. I went home with blood all over me. Now he stays in the stroller. Only three more days and then I get to go on my church's women's retreat. Two nights, and two days of no children. Meals served to me, meals I didn't cook and won't clean up after. Finally, I get to go on vacation.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Just another day

Just another day in....? Paradise-Maby. Nonetheless, it was busy, I worked and worked. The day started in a blur. Today started with sorting laundry and starting a load of clothes. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are clothing laundry day. Tuesday and Thursday are towels and etc. Then breakfast. Then I dared the impossible - The Grocery Store with three children in tow. I struggle with fitting the grocery store into my schedule. It is just so hard to find a time to go when I can do it solo. The only times that seem to work are late at night or early morning on the weekends. Personally I am too tired in the evenings to go shopping and I can think of other things I would like to do early in the morning on a Saturday. We really needed groceries however. We were out of town on vacation last week and were down to only two flavors of instant oatmeal for breakfast choices. The kids did great at the store!! I Was totally shocked. They had fun weighing our produce and I think we managed to turn it into school. We discussed how we pay for most of our produce by weight, and The Girl's assignment was to tell me the price per unit of said fruit/veggie and what the unit of measurement was. The Girl learned that 'lb' is an odd abbreviation for pound. The best part was the end when The Girl and Boy 1 cheerfully, voluntarily unloaded the cart contents onto the belt. I could make this a regular occurrence however I am sure it was a one time event. After the grocery was lunch and unloading followed by piano lessons. Then onto grinding flour, baking bread, making elaborate dinner for The Engineer. We managed to squeeze history in. The Indus Valley. The kids copied their Awana's memory verses for penmanship. We made some messes and cleaned them up and then we made some more messes and cleaned them up again. Homeschool record keeping in the evening and soon I will be off to bed. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Beginning

Well, here it is, my first post. I am a homeschooling mom in Temecula, CA. I am a wife. I am a Christian. I am a small business owner/work at home mom. I am a daughter. I am Mrs.Unique ( a nickname from my husband-I used to be Miss Unique). I have a wonderful husband-The Engineer, an 8 year old daughter - The Girl, a six year old son - Boy 1, and an almost two year old son - Boy 2. Like the nicknames - to protect the innocent. Sometimes we actually call them by these nicknames. Hopefully this blog will give me a chance to reconnect to my computer/techno roots, work on improving my writing skills, and give others a glimpse into the life of a homeschooling mom living in suburban Temecula, CA. Temecula is in Southern California about an hour inland and north of San Diego-I live in a desert-an irrigated desert-it gets hot here.